Monday, August 11, 2008


Dear Friend,

Judicial Kidnapping - you ask, well what is it? Trust me, it is a real tragedy that is happening across this nation. You don't get the assistance, help and understanding from law enforcement - no "Amber Alerts", are issued, the FBI or police investigators do not knock at your door to take a report. These very facts set it apart from other tragedies. One day your child is home and safe with you and your life is progressing as it has in the past. But in one quick moment, in the blink of an eye, everything changes and you find yourself in a world filled with darkness, sadness, loneliness and despair- a world that is shattered with a very profound feeling of extreme loss and hopelessness.

This is the story of Kristin, her daughter Rachel and Rachel's grandmother. They have not seen each other in five years. The laughter and presence of this young beautiful child in their home and life was illegally ripped from them- not through an accident, sickness, or disease, but by an illegal act and a heinous crime of sexual abuse that has gone unpunished. Kristin and her mother are not allowed to embrace Rachel, kiss her and whisper in her ear "I love you, darling".

Just think about it for a moment: What event would cause a loving mother and grandmother to be denied the right to even send a birthday or Christmas present to the child that her mother gave life and breath to, and have never harmed, nor could ever comprehend such a terrible thing? They must have done something horrific, you are thinking? Right, it's ok, this is why this is such a difficult tragedy from others. Unlike criminal kidnapping you have the full force and effect of law, but when a court or judge without legal justification, removes a child from the love and caring arms of her or his mother, you are not only denied protection...a stigma attaches to that taking. Try to be open minded and non-judgmental for a moment.

Please, try to take a stroll in their shoes for a moment- now if your child, grandchild or any child reported to a very skilled medical doctor that she or he had been sexually abused, and the courts failed to protect her or him, would you not move mountains, or swim the seas to protect your child, grandchild or any child from continuing harm? Would you even think about any altercations or consequences that could develop? Of course, you would not hesitate to act. Any normal civilized person would. The only thing that would be on your mind is to protect your child from harms way. As a child yourself, you were taught to do no harm. Now, hopefully this has your attention.

Kristin is a loving mother and Rachel's grandmother, whose only crime was an attempt to protect Rachel from further sexual, emotional and physical abuse and to keep her safe. This act of protection caused the court to deny any physical contact with Rachel for almost five years. Kristin and her mother, Dorothy, have been in constant court battles to regain child custody. Rachel's father Jerry is an attorney. Because of this status as an attorney he has been able to illegally work the inside fix. Kristin and her mother fight daily to re-establish visitation and custody and to fight for justice for the judicially and illegally kidnapped Rachel.

Jerry quickly understood that he faced the real possiblility that he could not only go to jail; but lose his right to practice as an attorney. This is if he did not control the issue and claims of sexual abuse to his daughter. Jerry was well connected in the legal community. In a very amazingly short period of time, the ever artful legal dodger lawyer, Jerry brought the entire issue into the family law court. There, Jerry's friend was appointed as the children's attorney for Rachel. Then, this friend of Jerry's who was appointed to represent the best interest of Rachel, did just the opposite. Instead, his real client was Jerry. During a closed interview between Rachel and her attorney, Rachel told this attorney who was supposed to help and advocate for her, that her father was hurting her and that she did not want to go to visit him. Rachel's attorney's response was "I don't believe you, and do you want your father to be arrested and go to jail?" This attorney, or Guardian Ad Litem, used a publicly unknown legal loop hole in the law. This legal loop hole was used to cause the reports of the sexual abuse of Rachel, by her father to be sealed. That means that the reports of the sexual abuse of Rachel could not and would not ever be discussed or brought before the court, the district attorney or law enforcement. This is shocking, sadly, though it is true. It is time to bring Rachel's sexual abuser to justice.

Now that you have stepped into their shoes for this one small moment- Now try to imagine how anyone would feel if your child's bed was suddenly empty through no fault of your own. WHY, ONCE YOU WERE PLUNGED INTO THE PANIC, SORROW AND DESPAIR OF THE GREAT IRREPLACEABLE LOSS OF ALL MEANINGFUL CONTACT WITH YOUR CHILD, WOULD YOU NOT MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH TO PROTECT HER OR HIM? Your mind would play and replay the importance and great value, joy and spirit of the parent child bond that the pain of its slow death would bring. Your heart would no doubt ache and break as Rachel's mother and grandmother's did and does. The thought of the lack of the presence of your child that just a short time before, gave your life and daily purpose meaning, and then to have it suddenly vanish, is heartwrenching beyond any words. This without doubt, takes on new unavoidable nightmarish inescapable quality that Rachel's mother and grandmother suffer each and every day. There is no greater pain than the loss and presence of a child that has filled your life with more love, joy and laughter than you ever could imagine was possible-- a child that you cherish and adore, and have since the moment of their birth. Kristin and her mother are as prisoners in their own bodies- full of pain, anger and frustration over this illegal and unjustified separation and to know that Rachel has still yet been denied the justice she so rightfully deserves and is entitled to, and is yet a prisoner herself in the custody of her identified abusive father, wondering each day when she will see her mother and grandmother again.

WORDS FROM A MOTHER: I try to erase the visions of the distress and such terror that I saw frequently on my little girl's face, but I have come to accept the fact that sadly those visions may undoubtedly forever haunt me. Her grandmother and I look forward to the day when we will embrace Rachel again and can then whisper in her ear "I love you darling" During this trial, we have discovered that each new day is a walk of undying faith, hope, trust and complete surrender to a God who is faithful, just and fair. Please pray for Rachel and my family so that we will soon be reunited, never to be separated again. Such a separation of any kind, just or unjust, is a "wake up" call to let us know how very valuable and precious each moment is and that we should always treasure every second to the fullest. Time is of the essence for Rachel and our family to be reunited. Our separation has been unjustly caused by the courts and should never have occurred. Rachel very much wants and needs to come home to her family, friends and pets who love her. In my prayers each day and night, I pray that God will speak to Rachel's heart and tell her everything she needs to know, to explain things to her that she does not understand, to watch over her and to protect her, and to meet her every need. Lastly I pray to let her feel Him(God)embracing her with a hug, and as she feels His hug, I then pray "Please God, tell her this one is from your mother"

To my darling daughter Rachel - I can't wait to embrace you and be able to see your sweet, beautiful face as I tell you how very much I love you and have missed you. Always know that you are my greatest gift/treasure from God and that I am forever proud to call you my daughter and friend. I love you so very much!!!

To my wonderful mother Dorothy. You are the greatest mother and grandmother and Rachel and I love you more than you know. Your undying love, support, (both emotional and financial) and the unending sacfifices you have and continue to make will never be forgotten. You are an extraordinary and exceptional person and I believe that you will have a huge crown awaiting you in Heaven. I know the pain you have suffered too from your separation from Rachel, but always remember Rachel loves and adores you very much and one day she will know just how very much you love her and what you have done for both of us. I am truly sorry for your pain. I love you very much and so does Rachel. You both have a very special bond that will never be broken!!

To all those innocent children and families who have been so cruelly and unjustly victimized by the very court system that is designed to protect them.

To my friends- Thank you for your love and support through the worst time in my life. Some of you know every detail of my case, some of you know only bits and pieces but to me it does not matter - you have been there for me- encouraging me to fight on and never surrender. I love you all

Written by Kristin Hanson